Many People don't know what is a Robot , and what is the history of Robot here is the full history and inventions of robot and uses of robot.

what is a Robot : A Good Laborer No Salary.
What is a Robot A robot is a machine that works itself. It is different from another machine. Human beings invented it so that it could help them in doing work. The report performs a variety of functions helping humans in many ways.
Inventions of Robot : Resemble --- Humans:
The machine that resembles human beings in bodily structure and shape is called Robot. Televox was the world's first regular man-like robot that was invented by American scientists in 1927. Korean and Japanese scientists have remained at the forefront in inventing robots. They have invented many-like robots who could breathe, wink, talk, walk and play like humans. Asteroid DER 2, Ever-2, EMO, and Tapia are the most prominent among such robots. Tapia is a tennis-playing robot.
In the beginning, the robots were made to be used in experiments. For instance, inventions of robot scientists wanted to understand the functions of the parts of the human body. Robots made the research easy. But today, they are being utilized for many other purposes. For example, these machines are used for taking care of old people, carrying out risky jobs, entertaining people, working as a reception clerk, and even singing and dancing.
Uses of Robot : Space research:
The robot has been very useful in space research. space shuttles were the robot in the sense that could fly and land(.NASA) The American National Space Administration has made a robot or"Robonaut-2" which will be sent to the space. The latest uses of robot R2 version was delivered to the (ISS) in February 2011. The robot had performed dangerous functions outside space.NASA and European space research organizations have prepared many kinds of robots for sending them into space. These robots scientifically examined the dust and rocks at Mars and sent reports to the scientist on our Earth .
Uses of Robot :Factory & Domestic Workers:

Invention of Factory robots having just one or two arms are installed at a specific place. They are used for tedious jobs like packing or assembling machine parts. The world's first robot was Uni-mate which was invented by US inventor George Deval in 1954. Uni-mate was made for carrying the pieces of hot metals at the manufacturing unit of the general motor, uses of robot Nobody, the robots do the jobs considered dangerous or boring. The robots also do many domestic chores i.e. cleaning carpets, floors, and corridors, putting the clothes into the washing machine, and bringing the unclean crockery to the dishwasher. Recently, a Japanese firm has introduced a man-like robot that carries the unclean crockery to the kitchen for cleaning.
History of Robot: Warrior Robot:

History of Robot In the modern era, robots are performed many dangerous jobs. Robots use for disabling a landmine or battlefield bomb. After researching the sea robot submarine also give valuable information.
What is a Robot :Rescue Robot:
Robots tackle unusual situations,uses of robot especially in earthquakes and tsunami. many rescue Robots are in the shape of vehicles. They reach their target by removing the rubble easily and quickly than humans can do.
History of Robot:
The world’s first robot was run by steam.
The Father of robotics is Al-Jazari.
The first robot was made in 1927.
The first man-like robot of Pakistan is Bionic.
The shape of Aibo resembles a dog.
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