There are many types of Hummingbird but the best 1 hummingbird and attracting hummingbird are bee hummingbird ,and the most beautiful , ruby throat-ed hummingbird and so on for read more about hummingbird stay here .

Smallest, Colorful & Beautiful bird in the world
The hummingbird is the world’s best 1 hummingbird and most beautiful smallest bird. It is found only in the countries of South and North America. Its length is 7 inches and it weighs just a few grams.
Physical Features of Hummingbird:
The attracting hummingbird has a long and narrow body. A needle-like bill with a peculiar tongue is its special feature. Its features are multicolored and pointed. Nature has bestowed the hummingbird with small delicate talons that are so short that it cannot walk with them. They are meant for sitting.
The attracting hummingbird’s eyesight is sharper than a human’s. It can see far away with its tiny eyes. If it notices, anything moving, it quickly leaves that path.
Ear Nose:
The hummingbird does not have the senses of smell but its ear is highly sensitive and it can hear very low sounds.
Heart Rate:
While flying, the heart rate of the best 1 hummingbird beats at a rate of 2,601 times per minute. This heart rate is the highest of all living beings.
The best 1 hummingbird mostly feeds on the nectar of flowers and tiny insects. The nectar fulfills all its needs. The needle- like bill can reach deep inside the flower and then using its tongue its sucks the nectar.
The bee hummingbird spends its most of time flying. While flying, it flutters its wings rapidly like a bee, and that produces a buzzing sound like the bee. The most beautiful hummingbird can move its wings up and down at the rate of 80/ per second. Its flying speed is 50 km/hour.
Most Beautiful Nest:
In the spring seasons, the most beautiful female hummingbird builds a cup-shaped nest among tree branches after selecting a proper place. It uses mud, leaves, and twigs. It is a tough structure and can withstand strong winds. The attracting hummingbird female lays two white eggs every year. They hatch after three weeks. The chicks are looked after by their mother for 20 days. After that period, they can feed themselves.
Attracting Hummingbird Hostile:
The hummingbird is rarely hunted by predators for two main reasons. First, it is very small, and second, it is a very agile bird that can move swiftly from the danger area. However, injured and chicks that have fallen from their nest are eaten by cats and jackals.
Melodious Sound:
The most beautiful hummingbird utters sweet sounds. Sometimes these sounds resemble whistles. Normally it utters a chip-like sound like a sparrow. When in danger, it makes a loud crying sound. Some of its species utter ultrasound which cannot be heard by humans. These sounds come back after striking an insect and it can detect it like the way bats use sound to detect things around them.
Sort and species:
There are many species of hummingbirds in the world 🌍. There are nearly 350 species of it in the world. It is a close sibling of swallow.
Types of Hummingbird
Bee hummingbird:

Bee hummingbird is the smallest kind. It is considered to be the smallest bird 🐦 in the world, it is slightly bigger than a honey bee in size. That is why it is called a bee hummingbird. It is found in Cuba and Island. Bee hummingbird has many colors as brown, metallic bronze, blue and white. In the sun, these colors shine from a distance it looks like a gem 💎. Domestic call it the flying diamond. The female bee hummingbird builds its nest using moss and spider webs.
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird:

This kind of hummingbird is found in Mexico and the state of Florida. It is only three and a half inches long and its weight is about six grams. Its neck is red, its belly is white and its back is dark green. When feeling danger, it makes squeaks. Ruby-Throated hummingbird catches insects and also sucks nectar. Sometimes it is hidden in thick foliage and rarely comes into open spaces to save itself amines.

The smallest bird native to the Canada and United States. Inbreeding season, it migrates from California to Mexico and Central America. They reach their target by removing the rubble easily. Calliope Hummingbirds travel around 5,000 miles each year in a big oval from the breeding to wintering grounds. They migrate north along the Pacific Coast in the spring but return to the wintering grounds in Mexico via an inland route along the Rocky Mountains’ quickly than humans can do.
They reach their target by removing the rubble easily calliope Hummingbirds travel around 5,000 miles each year in a big oval from the breeding to wintering grounds. They migrate north along the Pacific Coast in the spring but return to the wintering grounds in Mexico via an inland route along the Rocky Mountains’ quickly than humans can do.
Mexican Violetear Hummingbird :

The hummingbird weighs 5.9 grams. This most beautiful bird is found in the forest of Mexico and Nicaragua. Its feathers have dark green color while the tail is blue. There is a band around each of its eyes. This species soars high as it sometimes reaches a height of 500'm. It catches insects while flying. This hummingbird utters a zoo-back zoo-beck-like sound.
Red-billed Streamer-tail:

This best 1 hummingbird species is also called the doctor bird and scissors-tailed bird. It is only found in the West Indian island of Jamaica. Their special feature is two thin branches of its tail which can be 10 inches long in the male. Sometimes this bird is 7 inches long and in this respect, it is the biggest of a species. It has green, blue, gray, and black feathers. Its number is more than all other species.
Allen's hummingbird:

This hummingbird is found in the forest of the US state of California and Oregon. It is three and a half inches long and mostly found in dark green color. Its neck is light red. The attracting hummingbird builds its nest using spider webs.
Important Points:
The hummingbird eats food 14 times heavier than its body per day.
It can stop in the air like a helicopter and can also fly backwards.
It is a rowdy bird and often attacks those who come near its nest.
It always remembers its path and visits that place where there are plenty of flowers.
It can live between 3 to 5 years.
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