How to lose fat in just 7 day's. if you want How to lose weight you can use this diet plan.Here you will see the best diet plan How to reducing fat in 2021.

How To Lose Fat in Just 7 Day's
Today i will talk about how to lose fat Not going to be a very healthy method
But the more I talk about it, the less motivated we are We believe that dieting is useless,
and instead of How to losing weight, we are gaining weight. This diet plan is for people who want to lose weight and you should not use this diet plan for more than seven days and after using this diet plan for seven days .Turn to healthy eating. How to Reducing fat will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.This diet plan is for motivation So you can follow this diet plan First of all We talk about per-breakfast.
Pre breakfast
How to Lose Fat :The first option is
1) Cumin water
A teaspoon of cumin You have to soak it in three liters of water Drink a glass as soon as you get up and the rest you have to drink little by little throughout the day . The water does not need to be heated or cooled Water should be at room temperature. You have to drink three liters of water throughout the day for reducing fat .
How to Lose Weight: Breakfast after that
1st Option
Have two boiled eggs for breakfast And take a cup of green tea with it.
The second option we have is that
You take a date with a glass of milk.
3rd Option
Take a boiled egg with an apple or guava.
4th option Which will reduce the weight very well
A cup of black coffee without sugar Without Stevie a cup of 250 ml black coffee with boiled egg. It's breakfast. Two to three hours after breakfast You have to use Tukh Malanga Put two teaspoons of Tukh Malanga in water When it starts to bloom, drink it and drink a glass of water from the top. If you don’t soot tukh malanga you can use jay seed Jay seeds are a little expensive How to reduce fat .

Use grilled chicken or grilled fish for lunch There should be grilled chicken or grilled fish 150 gram before cooking. The more you cook it, the less weight it will lose If you do not know how to grilled, you can steam it If you find it difficult, you can cook it in a non-stick pan If you find it difficult, you can boil it and use it for soup So grilled fish or grilled chicken will be our first option. this meal help How to lose weight .
Take a cup of curry and put chopped vegetables in it Put vegetables in whatever is cooked and eat it You should not use potatoes, peas and carrots . The next thing you want to eat is a kebab Homemade kebabs , Which is the size of your palm These kebabs can be mutton or beef and there may be Shame kebabs. Use three to four cucumbers with your two kebabs.You have to use green tea between five and six o'clock in the evening . If you feel hungry around seven o'clock, you have to use a glass of lemon water. these things is best for How to Lose Fat .

You have to eat dinner by 8 o'clock cabbage chicken Soup will be drunk at dinner
Chili sauce, soy sauce and vinegar will not be used in the soup, you can use only black pepper and salt in the soup. You can also use vegetable soup. Use this diet plan only for 7 day’s , this diet plan is very affective to lose fat .
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