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Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Plum Fruit Benefits


Plums are one of the most popular fruits 
you can use to do a healthy colon cleanse this fruit is known to have a laxative effect on the body and has been used for thousands of years by hundreds of cultures.
Plum health benefits are also known to help 
control obesity diabetes heart conditions and much more so today's i'm talking about 6 health benefits of plums and why you should consume them on a daily basis . 
Did you know that plums have been found in archaeological sites that they back thousands of years plums are one of the first fruits domesticated by human beings and if we think about the wide range of plum health benefits this makes perfect sense . Plums can increase the sense of fullness and reduce the subsequent intake of food, plum health benefits can help control obesity to help people lose weight and increase cardiovascular health plums have been around for thousands of years to improve digestion combat constipation prevent chronic health conditions like diabetes and much more .
6 health benefits of plums 
1) Plums aid in digestion
and combat constipation plums are well known for aiding in digestion and combating constipation they're an excellent source of dietary fiber and help regulate our digestive system , dried plums in particular are more effective in aiding digestive disorders like constipation , try to consume plums twice a day to help treat constipation , plums are so good for digestive health  because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber soluble fiber found in plums dissolves into gooey mass that traps fat sugar bacteria and toxins and help move them out of the body also break down carbohydrates bad cholesterol levels and improve cardiovascular health .
 2) Plums improve cognitive health this fruit helps reduce inflammation in the brain and helps improve the ability to learn and retain information this magical fruit can prevent those age-related brain disorders they're so healthy that it can also be a natural treatment for Alzheimer's and even Parkinson's disease. The consumption of plums has important health witnesses on cognitive function and the disposition of protein expressions in our brains ,so now you if you want to improve brain function and memory you may need to consume plums .
3) Improves cardiac health P
lums are also a great fruit source that can help improve cardiac health and heart health the Flavonoid are for NOLA components have anti-inflammatory effects on different body cells many anti-inflammatory substances found in plums can help prevent health conditions that include high cholesterol diabetes and even cardiovascular diseases. The vitamin k present and plums is very beneficial to our heart because this vitamin is shown to help prevent calcification in the arteries which is one of the leading causes for heart attacks vitamin K carries calcium outside of the arteries and doesn't allow them to harden and form dangerous plaque deposits in these vessels 
 4) Plums combat premature aging no one wants to grow old and  worse that no one wants to look older than what they really are plums is its powerful antioxidant properties  plums contain vitamin C and Phytonutrients  xanthine and Z anti and many others that help prevent certain types of cell damage especially those caused by oxidation and this is important because certain types of oxygen and molecules are allowed to travel freely in the body and cause something known as oxidative damage these free radicals are very dangerous to the body's tissues and have a role of causing health conditions like cancer premature aging or even cardiac diseases the antioxidants found in plums help prevent that damage caused by this oxygen or free radicals .P
lums are packed with these substances 
and show an anti-aging process they help your skin glow reduce the risk of cancer they detoxify the body and help you live much longer .
 5) Plums aid in skin health plums are known to be high in vitamin C which benefits the skin and the blood vessels that supply these nutrients to our extremities ,The vitamin C intake lowers a risk for wrinkled appearance dryness in the skin and slows the aging process, vitamin C found in plums is used by the body to form important proteins that help make our skin tendons ligaments and our blood vessels this wonderful vitamin helps heal wounds and even form scar tissue and there's even evidence saying that using a vitamin C. Plums have a very good amount of vitamin C that can really help your skin look beautiful and young .
6) improves immune function plums are also well known for improving our immune function the vitamin C content in plums is specially beneficial to individuals whose immune systems are weakened due to stress, vitamin C does is activate a branch of her autonomic nervous system called the parasympathetic nervous system that reduces stress all throughout the body vitamin C is also well known producing oxidative stress that accelerates that aging process so it's very useful plums .
                                            Thank You ❤