are one of the most common and important food sources on the planet and they contain a tones of health benefits . Potatoes have spread across the globe very quickly and have been so widely accepted is because they are a storehouse of energy and nutrition including vitamins minerals and essential organic compounds mineral , if you eat potatoes regularly you ensure a good supply of water and ions in your body is this because they are rich in potassium the concentration is highest in the skin.
So eating the potato with its skin is
always beneficial they also contain calcium iron and phosphorus vitamin content potatoes are known for the large amounts of vitamin C present in them typically a 99 gram serving will contain about 16 milligrams of vitamin C. They also contain
vitamins A and B , water content potatoes may look huge but water accounts for about 75 to 85 percent of their weight , that you become fat by eating potatoes is a misconception if your potato servings contain large quantities of butter and if you can't keep away from those high fat or high cholesterol french fries so you are bound to gain weight . Starch Content potatoes contain about 18% starch and
they are one of the best natural sources , you should avoid eating sprouted potatoes as sprouting leads to conversion of starch into sugar. There are some benefits of potatoes.
Prevent Heart Disease vitamins and minerals B complexes and C's
potatoes also contain substances as Carotenoids and Zeaxanthin , carotenoids are good for the heart health and the functioning of other internal organs . potatoes raise the glucose level in the body and their over consumption may cause obesity which puts pressure on your heart.Treat diarrhea potatoes are an excellent component of an energy diet for those that suffering from diarrhea .
Treat kidney stones kidney
stones referred to as renal calculi are mainly caused by an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood . Avoided high protein food such as meat fish eggs and milk . Protect and moisturize the skin vitamin C and B also minerals such as potassium magnesium phosphorus and zinc function as promoters of skin , the crushed raw potatoes can operate well in skin and facial packs when it mixed with honey this even helps cure pimples and spots on the skin. smash potatoes are very good for softening and cleaning dark skin.
Weight gain potatoes
consist of carbohydrates and contain protein and are low in fats when combining with foods like cheese butter or cream it will become a perfect diet for lean and thin people who want to gain weight ,the vitamin C and B complex which also help in proper absorption of carbohydrates. Easy to digest
potatoes are easy to digest and also help digestive process this property makes them a good diet for babies. Potatoes also contain a considerable amount of fiber . Reduce inflammation potatoes are very helpful in reducing both internal and external inflammation potatoes can relieve any inflammation . people who suffer from arthritis and gout can use potatoes for their anti-inflammatory impact.
Lower blood pressure diabetes tension nutrient balance diet and many others causes but potatoes can alleviate multiple possible causes and can be used to relieve lower blood pressure.
Cognitive process proper
functioning of the brain relies on the amount of glucose the oxygen supply vitamin b-complex components and certain hormones amino acids and fatty acids omega 3 potatoes cater to almost all the needs. the brain from letting fatigue creep in and it keeps your cognitive activity and performance high. Thank You
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