Today's topic is phobia a phobia
is a type of anxiety disorder that is marked by an unbearable fear of an object or situation.A person with a phobia may experience a
deep sense or panic when they encounter the source of their fear these situations are not normally frightening but the affected person goes to a great length to avoid the situation and object. If feared object or situation cannot
be avoided the person experiences significant distress.There are some types of phobia1) Specific phobias is an intense or
irrational fear of a specific trigger it is not unusual to experience , Specific phobia referred to as simple phobias. it can be linked to a cause that may not frequently occur in the everyday life of an individual such as Dog.Specific phobias are fear of situations such as River , heights darkness or thunderstorms,blood injection or injuries ,medical procedure or loud noises .this is also called Acrophobia .Social phobia or social anxiety mean
extreme worry about social situations, the fear of being embarrassing in public. people with social phobia go out of their way to avoid public situation, agoraphobia also refers to a fear of situations. if person experience extreme panic outside of the home those with chronic health conditions or a medical emergency in a public area or no help is available so they may avoid public situations and stay inside their home .social phobia and agoraphobia also known as complex phobias.social and specific phobias sometimes
may be hereditary ,some people are born with a predisposition towards anxiety making them susceptible to developing phobias, pressure or traumatic event related to a specific object or situation may lead to phobias. phobia changes in the brain functioning .Symptoms
immediate feeling of intense fear anxiety and panic attacks. Sweating, abnormal breathing rapid heartbeat ,trembling dry mouth a headache dizziness nausea ,
upset stomach inability to speak. Treatment
treatment for phobias can involve therapeutic techniques medications the most commonly used therapeutic treatment for phobia is cognitive behavioral therapy or (CBT) . Thank You❤

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