Today i'm going
to talk about what are the best treatment for the ADHD .the best vitamins supplements or foods you should be avoiding or consuming to treat this disease. The attention deficit disorder and you know more children every year are diagnosed with ADHD . what are the causes of ADHD ADHD has a genetic link and environmental factors. it can be very difficult to pinpoint a specific cause for this disease.
Fish oil one gram a day, fish oil has proven to be excellent supplement and benefit ADHD patients. fish oil are critical for brain function it has an anti-inflammatory action in your brain and supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids have shown to reduce symptoms and improve learning.
B complex
formulas 50 milligrams a day children with ADHD may have may need more B vitamins to help serotonin production, and your nervous system in balancing out emotions . The probiotics improve attention deficit disorder.Gaba about 200 milligrams daily gaba is an amino acid that has a calming effect on our nervous system and in ADHD patients .Before taking gaba consult your doctor. supplement is a good quality multivitamin mineral supplement that contains zinc potassium magnesium and calcium. it helps helps out a lot .
foods that you should be avoiding at all
or common foods that may cause ADHD reactions are include wheat milk chocolate soy corn processed sugars nitrates or canned foods. Gluten gluten is huge. parents report washing behaviors with those with no children that eat gluten and have seen great improvement in patients that remove gluten from their diet this is wheat so avoid wheat bread pasta wheat cereal , you should be avoiding a sugar and artificial sweeteners sugar is the primary trigger and most children for ADHD avoid any forms of concentrated candy dessert sodas or even fruit juices
sweeteners side effects can be very devastating artificial sweeteners create biochemical changes in our body some of which can be very harmful to cognitive function and emotional balance too and again don't forget that ADHD is a disease with a strong correlation to your digestive system .it is extremely important to remove all foods that may be causing an unbalanced to the patient . Food you should be consuming amino acid that helps your body synthesize hormones like serotonin serotonin plays a significant role in sleep inflammation emotional moods nervous impulses and much more, eat a lot of poultry about B vitamins foods that you should be incorporating or while tuna bananas wall cat salmon grass-fed beef especially be vitamin b6 vitamin foods and get more sleep insomnia is a common side effect in ADHD patients with the proper diet exercise and relaxation techniques, get good quality sleep and this is very important turn off the lights 45 minutes before finally falling asleep in bed . Thank You ❤
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