10 most beautiful
cockatoo breeds in the world Red-tailed black cockatoo black plumagewith a bright red patch on the tail is
the reason for the name of the species as red-tailed black cockatoo it is found in the drier parts of Australia reaching up to 24 inches in length and 900 grams and weight these cockatoos are one of the biggest cockatoos species on the planet they are very friendly and loving towards humans but only if you spend some time wit them they have a comparatively shorter life span of 40 to 45 years .Sulfur crested cockatoo found in the woodlands
of Australia New Guinea and Indonesia the sulfur crested cockatoo is one of the largest white cockatoo species around the world they have an abundant population in the local areas and are even considered as pests sometimes they can be huge in size and can reach up to 21.5 inches in length and more than one kilogram and weight they are beautiful but very challenging species as well so they are not for a newbie to pet they also have a long lifespan of 80 years Major Mitchell's cockatoo also known as the lead beaters
cockatoo this medium-sized bird is found only in the arid areas of Australia and are fairly recognizable due to their white and pink flu Mitch they have a bright red and yellow crest which adds a colorful texture to their beauty they can range from 13 to 15 inches in length and have a normal lifespan of 40 to 60 years . Citron Crusted Cockatoo this medium-sized bird is the smallest of its
kind found in the Lesser Samba islands of Indonesia this bird has an orange crest with a dark grey beak Wow it's pale orange eye patches give it a unique exquisite look and it's light blue eyes make its site even more mesmerizing it is between 13 to 15 inches in length and point four two point four five kilograms and weights citron is a quiet breed and is very serious in its nature it has a lifespan of 50 years and is not a good pet choice .Rose-breasted cockatoo 'he's gala
also known as rode breast a cockatoo is the most common cockatoo species in the world it is mostly found in the mainland Australia it was also introduced into Tasmania as well they are 14 inches long and can weigh up to 350 grams with a lifespan of 80 years this bird is very humid friendly and is a good choice to keep as a pet . Umbrella Cockatoo
white cockatoo is a beautiful cockatoo breeding found in the tropical forests of Indonesia they have a white plumage with a pale yellow color under the wings and tail which shines when they fly it can range from 14 to 18 inches of length and can weigh up to 800 grams they're magnificent birds and our amazing pets as well with a long life span of 70 to 80 years . Palm Cockatoo the great black is one of the most stunning Birds
on the planet found in the New Guinea and Cape York Peninsula it is the largest cockatoo bird breed in the world and is not very affectionate towards humans because it likes outdoors instead of captivity it can range from 22 to 24 inches and can weigh up to 1.5 kilograms it has an average lifespan of 40 and 60 years and is only suitable for professional bird owners to pet .yellow tailed black cockatoo another big
bird of the species is the yellow tailed black cockatoo it is found in the southeastern rain forests of Australia it is yellow patches on its cheek and tail against a brownish. black plumage they can be 26 inches long in about 900 grams in weight they have a lifespan of 40 years and are affectionate towards humans but require more attention as compared to other birds . Gang Gang cockatoo the Gang Gang cockatoo is found in the woodlands and forests of Australia this mild gray bird with fluffy gray crest is very abundant in Australia and mostly comes out in winters it ranges from twelve to fourteen inches in length and is the heaviest cockatoo breed with a weight of up to three point three kilograms it feeds on the foots and berries and has an average lifespan of fifty years .
Blue-eyed cockatoo the
most beautiful cockatoo species in the world is the blue-eyed cockatoo it is found in the forests of New Britain and Ireland and is famous for its gorgeous blue eyes it is average length of about 20 inches weight of about 0.5 kilograms and an average life span of nearly 50 years sadly this stunning bird is very rare and is on the verge of extinction it is declared as endangered . ❤Thank You ❤
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